Our Class Made Website
My MEd classmates and I used our summer semester to create a website with multiple curated resources for other educators to use as a guide for online learning/teaching. The Remote Teaching Resources website generally supports teachers and educators working in the K-12 system but could definitely be utilized by others for alternative teaching and learning experiences. The subject matter is generally focused on teaching in a full-time online context but could be easily adapted for a hybrid online model. The general topics covered are community, student learning, and wellness. The topics are broken down into further sections covering subjects such as communication (between students and teachers, students and students, and students and content), online accessibility, and student safety (both physical and mental).
With Covid-19 being a hard reality that teachers, parents, and students all need to address, I believe that this resource will be invaluable. Please take the time to peruse the resources at the Remote Teaching Resources website and see for yourself.