Created Resource Justification

The Recycle Project resources, including a video and documents, have been created for technology education teachers outline a basic project idea that can be utilized when teaching in an online context. The goal is to address the following outcome:

By the start of the year, technology education teachers will be able to create opportunities for students to safely design and build projects in an at home context.

The project is mainly focused on the outcomes outlined in the BC Applied Design Skills & Technology curriculum. Specifically, it addresses the heavy focus on design and utilizing the design process (BC’s New Curriculum, 2018). This was included to make sure that the project met, or could be adapted to meet, the curricular goals of technology education courses. To keep focus on the online context in which the project would be done, the BC Digital Literacy Framework was included. This guide sets out to help educators meet online needs and skills that students will potentially need in their future careers and to be technically savvy (Ministry of Education, 2017).

Regarding safety, focus was put on the use of the BCTEA Best Practices Guide and HEADS UP! for Safety documents. These guides are the BC standard for K-12 technology education shop safety as outlined and endorsed by the BC Technology Education Association. The Best Practices Guide lays out the qualifications needed to be accepted as a technology education in BC as seen by the BCTEA (BCTEA, 2016). The HEADS UP! For Safety document was created in conjunction with the BC Ministry of Education and the Industry Training Authority to specifically address machine and tool safety for students. This guide can be used a minimum standard by shop teachers for shop safety and should be looked to when addressing students learning at home and liabilities (BCTEA, 2019).



BC’s New Curriculum. (2018). Retrieved July 22, 2020, from

BCTEA. (2016, June 06). Best Practice Guide. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

BCTEA. (2019, October 25). Heads Up for Safety. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Ministry of Education. (2017, November 27). Digital Literacy. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

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